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Remote Sensing in Agriculture

The use of remote sensing in agriculture is already common practice today. With our solutions, it is possible to create application maps for the site-specific application, carrying out biological pest control or mapping damaged areas caused by storms or game animals. In addition, we offer complete bundles including training for the measurement of lumber stocks, the volume calculation of biogas silos and the reliable search for fawns in meadowland just before mowing.

Application maps for site-specific cultivation

Precision Farming from the air!

The Trinity multispectral bundle, combined with the software CoGIS, is an ideal tool for a huge amount of precision farming applications. CoGIS is used to immediately evaluate the generated data. Any vegetation index can be calculated and quickly and easily converted into zone and application maps. These can be directly transferred to the automatic steering system of the tractor, thus ensuring a site-specific application of seed rate, fertilizer etc.
This bundle also is an ideal tool for targeted weed control. Especially during the maturation phase, weed clusters can be detected very precisely from the air, mapped and subsequently treated from the ground. As the grain already matured, the weed often shows a bright green colour. This approach bears great potential, especially with regard to the economical, environmental friendly site-specific soil treatment or application of herbicides that will get an increasingly important role in the future due to state regulations.

Your advantages

Objective procedure
— Up-to-date application maps can be created
— Quick and easy zoning even of large fields is possible
— Data acquisition and processing is carried out directly on your farm
— No need to load the collected data into a cloud for processing
— Possibility of archiving and comparing over several years
— Hard- and software solution by a well-known Precision Farming specialist
— No running costs

Data sheet

Biological pest control

Corn borer control by ichneumon

Our copter, together with the customised Trichogramma dropper, offers farmers and service providers the ideal tool for a quick, efficient and cheap biological pest control in corn. The dropping of each single bullet is monitored and registered for an exact control over the treatment. Thus even huge fields can be treated in only a few minutes. As more and more federal states in Germany offer financial promotion for treating corn borer with Trichogramma, the farmer only has low costs with this method.




Your advantages

Rapid and efficient application of biological pest control
— Output in exact grid raster possible
— Benefit of state funding possible
— Easy control over the application rate

Data sheet

Survey in forestry and wood

Tree height measurement, lumber stock measurement and disease detection

With our UAV solutions it is possible to execute precise and high-resolution forestry surveys. On the one hand, automatic height measurements of trees or type classifications can be done. On the other hand, it is possible to detect diseases and pests as soon as possible with multispectral images. Furthermore in combination with our software VolumeX, the volume and amount of trunks in lumbar stocks can be determined.





Your advantages

One tool for multiple forestry applications
— Mapping of hard-to-reach forest areas is also possible
— Cost savings through fast and objective mapping
— Archivable inventory documentation

Data sheet

Damage detection

Digitize damages caused by hail or game animals!

It is often difficult to detect the extent of animal or hail damage in the crop from the ground. Our UAVs can be used to quickly create georeferenced aerial photographs that do not only visualize damage to the crop, but also make it quantifiable. In the generated orthophoto, the damaged areas (e.g. by hail or game animals) can be digitized and, if necessary, divided into zones. To check these areas, the aerial image can be transferred to a GPS-ready tablet and the damage can be found quickly and easily in the terrain with the help of the software CoGIS.



Your advantages

Objective mapping of damaged areas
— Archivable documentation
— Fast detection of whole fields
— No running costs

Data sheet

Determination of the volume of maize silos

Volume calculation from the air!

Combined with the in-house software VolumeX, our UAV systems offers farmers, service providers and biogas plant operators a perfect tool for an independent inventory and archive of their maize silos. The volume and thus the tonnage of maize can be determined quickly, easily and without ascending the silos. This is an ideal basis for the accounting with suppliers and customers, the annual inventory as well as the just-in-time logistics planning for a smooth operation of the biogas plants.



Your advantages

Quick and easy survey of maize silos
— Increased working safety, as silos no longer have to be ascended
— Day to day updated inventory possible
— Documentation of the change possible
— Smooth workflow from a single manufacturer
— No running costs

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